Best 3D designs of the week – 18 September, 2015

Best 3D designs of the week – 18 September, 2015

Hey Pinshapers, 

More of the best new 3D printing designs to show you this week! The Kreebils have definitely invaded Pinshape; they’ve even made it into Nick’s staff picks! And Sergey has kinda cheated by drawing his pick from the pool of Makertron entries. Such shameless cross-promotion.

Don’t forget to upload your Prints to share with the community if you decide to bring these designs to life!


lucas' faceLucas’ Pick

Math is good

Best 3d designs printing math spinner toy

Math Spinner Toy by christina

My 5 year old is all about counting Pokemon cards these days! This somehow turned into math lessons (and parent bribes :)) This Math Spinner is super cool + going to help me out! Christina has a lot of great models / designs – check them out on Christina’s user page.


nick's faceNick’s Pick

 Friend of the Kreebils


Kreebils best 3D designs printing
Kreebils – Group Pack by gusfink

If you hadn’t heard yet, the Kreebils are now officially licensed and exclusively available on Pinshape! Gus Fink’s cool little creatures have a great mix of friendliness and strangeness to them that make them really endearing. With fun backstories and unique personalities, Gus has created a great little world with the Kreebils, and now you can make them a part part of yours. Available individually or as a group, you can pick the Kreebil that matches you best. For me, that’s Puggs. Who’s your favorite?


andre's face Andre’s Pick



Best 3D printing designs flashlight standUniversal 3D-printable flashlight stand by CreativeTools

I’ve attempted to solder in my garage which has poor lighting. I tried soldering while holding a flashlight. That didn’t work out…

If you are working in a dark room and you have a lamp or an extra hand to hold that flashlight then you should be fine. If not, do yourself a favour and print the FlashLight Holder by CreativeTools. It’s an easy print that only requires 2 rubber bands to hold the flashlight in place.

Here is a video demonstrating how it works. 


victoria's face Victoria’s Pick

 UX/UI Designer 
 Festively Plump


Best 3d printing designs jack-o-lanternMakies Jack-O-Lantern Redux 1.0 by Chris Milnes

Hokay, summer is out, but Halloween is just around the corner!! I love holidays and all the festivities they bring. Sure they can be a gi-normous marketing ploy for businesses to sell more junk, but think of all the good times with friends and family, opportunities to dress up and be creative! This Jack-O-Lantern design reminds me it’s time to start planning. This piece can be the ultimate minimal Halloween decor around the house to set the mood for a spooky good time with the kiddies!


Karen's Face Karen’s Pick

 Community Manager 
 Greener Citizen


Best 3D printing files soda can recyclerRecycle your soda can by 3d tech

I was choosing between this pen holder design versus another one, but in the end I went with this one. Sure I do a bit of recycling, but I can always do more. I’ve always thought of recycling containers, but this is a great solution to give soda cans a second life without the threat of cutting my fingers off! 


Screen Shot 2015-07-23 at 11.36.00 AM

 Kate’s Pick

 Software Developer 
 DIY MasterBest 3D printing designs backsplash systemPrism: A Modular Backsplash System by MinnesotaMade

I would love to have such a modular backsplash system for my kitchen sink. Looks very simple and at the same time very-very stylish. Great thing about this idea – it consists of small pieces, so any person can create a unique design. You can even plant a small flower in one of these shapes. Wonderful, inspiring idea ♥


wojtek's face Wojtek’s Pick

 Front-end Developer 
 Mr. Robot


Best 3D printing designs raspberry pi keychainraspberry pi keychain by Tsukasa Kikumoto

I love my Raspberry Pi. It was a great purchase for such a tiny computer. I was really happy when the device made a cameo in my favorite TV show. Made me feel like a nifty hacker (haha). This design would be a great addition to my keys, since they’re all bare and tough to handle. I would only print it in a different color…


sergey's face Sergey’s Pick

 Back-end Developer 
 Coding Robot

Best 3D printing designs super deformed bot

Super deformed bot by Valerio Bellia

One more great entry to our MakerTron Design Contest! Do you want to kickstart the MakerTron re-population? Vote for a vital unit or create one.

Tell us your favourite designs! 

That’s it for this week! Which Pinshape design would you have chosen? Check back next week for another set of picks from your Pinshape staff, or subscribe to our mailing list to get this delivered to your inbox every Friday! 



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