Our Top 3D printing designs on Pinshape – September 11, 2015
Hey Pinshapers,
We have some great new 3D printing designs to show you this week! Sit back, relax, get the creative juices flowing and don’t forget to upload your Prints to share with the community if you decide to bring these designs to life!
Top 3D Printing Designs on Pinshape for This Week
Lucas’ Pick
Magic Dragonfly
Magic Dragonfly by LITHINES
Your very own Magic Dragonfly? My pick of the week automagically balances 🙂 Print this at 100% (no glue required). LITHINES has a lot of great designs including a simplified version of this dragonfly.
Nick’s Pick
Timelapse Lover
Zheng’s GoPro Gubbinses by zheng3
Another simple but great design from zheng3, and this time for everyone’s favorite extreme sports camera – the GoPro. This accessory makes it really easy to expand the capabilities of your GoPro, especially when you’re trying to capture long prints and turn them into time lapse videos. This little accessory gives you the access you need to keep your camera charged over long periods of time, while allowing you to get your camera into the perfect position before you hit print.
Andre’s Pick
This is for those that have or will have dreadlocks. Increase your coolness level by wearing some 3D printable beads. J Wall beads are simple and easy to print beads!
Victoria’s Pick
UX/UI Designer
Gimpy fingers
Pinky Splint by simon kangiser
Ho! MEDIIIIIIC! As some of you may remember from my July 1 week’s staff pick, I mentioned I dislocated my pinky playing in a volleyball tournament. As I’m still in recovery mode, this little pinky splint gets my nod of approval. Lucky for me, recovery hasn’t been too awful and I’m already playing vball again (shhh don’t tell my doctor…). After I got injured I started noticing other people’s injuries and my heart aches a little. I also found out another finger I thought I jammed was actually broken 🙁 So now I’m SUPER paranoid about broken fingers and advise anyone who injures their phalanges to get them checked out post-haste lest you end up gimpy like me! Be extra diligent about utilizing finger splints such as this and rehabilitate your digits by exercising them routinely.
Karen’s Pick
Community Manager
Birthday Gift Specialist
Great Wall of China by MiniWorld
For my dad’s birthday I ended up printing out this Great Wall of China design from MiniWorld! He’s from Hong Kong, and I know he misses Chinese culture from time to time (his ringtone is this old-school Chinese opera song that never fails to get the attention of everyone in a 5 mile radius), and he ended up loving this. He even wanted to post-process this himself! I can imagine these plastic walls can be made into impressive brick walls given some effort and love!
Allen’s Pick
Digital Marketing Director
Gamer Fashionado
Halo/Tron Inspired Ring by Daniel Girgis
I don’t wear rings anymore, actually for a long time now… Although if I were to put a band on, I think that this style would be an expression of the minimalist and futuristic detail that holds or draws my eye just for a few more seconds in comparison to another one. I would definitely like to see this printed in Titanium.
Kate’s Pick
Software Developer
DIY MasterSmall House Model with Attachable Roof by jonathan_burgers
It will sound strange but this house with detachable roof can be turned into a great clock or a thermometer. My dad has made a few such clocks by placing a small chip in the house, and LEDs on the small windows. If you want to make a thermometer, it’ll be more complicated – you’ll need a device that will determine the correct temperature, but it’s still possible☝.
Wojtek’s Pick
Front-end Developer
Pac-ManRetro Pac-Man Set by Andy Bihlmaier
2015 is the 25th birthday of Pac-Man! The game is a classic. Pac-Man nostalgia is everywhere, the game is available even on your smartphone. It shows that great games don’t need high-end graphics to be enjoyable. Pay a tribute to the arcade machine times and print this one for your home. It’s a great decoration!
Sergey’s Pick
Back-end Developer
Reading Shantarambudda by boopathi n
If one day you want a Buddha sculpture you don’t even have to visit India. Of course, you can 3D print it! Looks decent to stay on a table. When hard times come you can always ask this 3D printed Buddha for advice.
That’s it for this week! Which Pinshape design would you have chosen? Check back next week for another set of picks from your Pinshape staff, or subscribe to our mailing list to get this delivered to your inbox every Friday!